BMAT 2014 Section 2 Question 22

Graphene is a new material composed of carbon atoms arranged in tightly bound hexagons just one atom thick.
The diagram shows a simplified structure of graphene.
Considering its structure, which of the properties below could be predicted about graphene?
1 high melting point
2 good electrical conductivity
3 soluble in water.


The graphene description indicates that it has a giant covalent structure. Typically, substances with a
giant covalent structure have high melting and boiling points; they do not dissolve in water and they
do not conduct electricity. However, the structure of graphene is very similar to that of graphite in that
each C atom is covalently bonded to only 3 other C atoms which means that each C atom has a ‘free’
electron. This ‘free’ electron can migrate within the structure, so enabling graphene to conduct
Graphene should have a high melting point and good electrical conductivity but not dissolve in water.
The answer is D

Sami Qamar

I’m Sami Qamar. I’m a YouTuber, Blogger, and first year med student.

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