BMAT 2014 Section 2 Question 23

When a particular nucleus of uranium-235 undergoes the process of nuclear fission, it absorbs a neutron and then splits into a nucleus of barium and a nucleus of krypton, as well as releasing further neutrons. Which one of the rows of the table below gives the correct number of neutrons released and the isotopes of barium and krypton produced by this nuclear reaction.


The total mass number of the particles before fission is 235 + 1 = 236 (uranium + neutron). Because
the total mass number is conserved, the total mass number of the particles after fission must also be
E) is the only statement in which the products have a total mass of 236 units.
A) has products with a total mass of 235 units.
B) has products with a total mass of 238 units.
C) has products with a total mass of 235 units.
D) has products with a total mass of 237 units.
F) has products with a total mass of 239 units.
The answer is E

Sami Qamar

I’m Sami Qamar. I’m a YouTuber, Blogger, and first year med student.

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