BMAT 2016 Section 2 Question 17

Which of the following statements could describe the result of a single mutation of a gene coding for a protease enzyme in a fertilised human egg cell?
1 A new allele is formed coding for a protease enzyme that works more efficiently.
2 A new allele is formed coding for a protease enzyme that works less efficiently.
3 A new allele is formed coding for a non-functional protein that has no effect on the cell.
4 A new allele is formed coding for a non-functional protein that has a negative effect on the cell.


Statements 1 and 4 are termed gain of function mutation. This is a type of mutation in which the altered gene possesses a new molecular function. So these statement are correct. 

Statement 2 and 3 are termed loss of function mutation. These mutations result in the product having less or no function. So theses statement as are correct. 

Sami Qamar

I’m Sami Qamar. I’m a YouTuber, Blogger, and first year med student.

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