BMAT 2009 Section 2 Question 25

The following five statements relate to homeostasis (the maintenance of stable internal conditions of the body):
1 Insulin helps to control the water content of the body.
2 Homeostasis depends only on hormones.
3 The pancreas helps to control the glucose content of the blood.
4 Both the nervous and hormonal systems are involved in homeostasis.
5 The skin is used to help control the body temperature.
Which statements are correct?


1 – Wrong
Insulin helps to control the glucose content in the body.

2 – Wrong
Homeostasis also depends on the nervous system and not only hormones.

3 – Correct
Pancreas secretes the hormone insulin which helps to control the glucose content of the blood.

4 – Correct
Both the nervous and the hormonal systems play role in homeostasis

5 – Correct
The skin can help to control the body temperature because it has immense blood supply. Dilated vessels allow for heat loss while constricted vessels help to retain heat.

Since statements 3, 4 and 5 are correct, F is the answer.

Sami Qamar

I’m Sami Qamar. I’m a YouTuber, Blogger, and first year med student.

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