BMAT 2009 Section 2 Question 13

Which one of the following movements will be severely and immediately disrupted if the oxygenconcentration in the blood becomes very low?


The key to solve this question is to find out which of these processes are passive and which one is active.

Passive processes do not require energy to occur

Active processes require energy to occur, meaning they need ATP. ATP can only be formed in the presence of oxygen.

So we must find out which of these processes require ATP to occur.

A – Wrong
CO₂ diffuses into the alveoli and diffusion is passive.

B – Correct
Glucose absorption is an active process which would require ATP. If concentration of oxygen is low, ATP production would decrease. If ATP production decreases, glucose absorption would also decrease.
C – Wrong
O₂ diffuses into the blood and diffusion is passive. 

D – Wrong

This process is passive.

E – Wrong
This process is osmosis and osmosis is passive. 

F – Wrong
This process is osmosis and osmosis is passive.

Sami Qamar

I’m Sami Qamar. I’m a YouTuber, Blogger, and first year med student.

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