BMAT 2012 Section 2 Question 18

Vanadium is a metal that lies just above zinc in the reactivity series. Which one of the following could not be used to obtain the metal from its ore?


A – Wrong
Chlorine is above zinc and vanadium in the reactivity series. So no displacement.

B – Wrong
Sodium is above zinc and vanadium in the reactivity series. So no displacement.

C – Wrong
Aluminium is above zinc and vanadium in the reactivity series. So no displacement.

D – Correct
Vanadium is above iron in the reactivity series so it cannot be displaced by the iron.

E – Wrong
Magnesium is above zinc and vanadium in the reactivity series. So no displacement.

Sami Qamar

I’m Sami Qamar. I’m a YouTuber, Blogger, and first year med student.

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