BMAT 2012 Section 2 Question 6

The diagram represents the molecule lecithin, a chemical that is added to chocolate drinks to prevent the oils separating out from water. Which row of the table below correctly identifies the characteristics of the molecule?


This is rather a simple question. You must have seen a similar diagram in AS biology in the cell membrane topic.

The tail is always hydrophobic (hydro-water and phobic-fear; so hydrophobic means it does not like water), meaning it does not like to get in contact with water. Hydrophilic means it can react with water.

The head of the head of the molecule shown is always hydrophilic and the tail is always hydrophobic.

So, the answer is C.

Sami Qamar

I’m Sami Qamar. I’m a YouTuber, Blogger, and first year med student.

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