BMAT 2021 Section 2 Question 9

A mature active cell in a healthy human has the following features:

  • a cell membrane
  • no nuclear DNA
  • molecules that bind with oxygen.
    Which of the following statements about this cell is/are correct?
    1 It is transported by a solution.
    2 It releases oxygen into active tissues.
    3 It releases energy from its own mitochondria.


The mature, active cell in question is a red blood cell.
A red blood cell has a cell membrane, no nucleus (hence no nuclear DNA) and has molecules that bind with oxygen (haemoglobin).
1 – correct. Red blood cells are transported in blood which is a solution of plasma, white blood cells and red blood cells.
2- correct. Red blood cells’ function is to transport oxygen around the body to active tissues.
3- wrong. Red blood cells do not have organelles and hence, no mitochondria.

Sami Qamar

I’m Sami Qamar. I’m a YouTuber, Blogger, and first year med student.

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