BMAT 2018 Section 2 Question 21

An animal cell is surrounded by a very dilute glucose solution which has a lower concentration of glucose than the glucose solution in the cytoplasm of the cell. There is net movement of glucose molecules and water molecules into the cell.
A second, identical cell is treated for a short time with a chemical which inhibits respiration. The cell is then surrounded by the same glucose solution.
Which row in the table shows the effect of this chemical on the movement of glucose molecules into the cell and the movement of water molecules across the cell surface membrane immediately after it is surrounded by the solution?


The chemical inhibits respiration, which means that glucose in the cell is not converted to energy. Therefore, there is glucose present in the cell.

Therefore, glucose does not move into the cell.

Water moves into the cell because there is a higher water concentration outside the cell than inside the cell.

So A is the answer.

Sami Qamar

I’m Sami Qamar. I’m a YouTuber, Blogger, and first year med student.

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